Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tea at Cappells, 2 June 2007

We zapped over to Godalming Saturday afternoon to see the Cappells before we are off to France on Wednesday, 6 June. Tasha will stay with them and look after Toby while we are gone.
I made the requisite batch of chocolate chip cookies, as well as some flapjacks which were squidgier than they should have been.

Turned out Matthew had made a batch of flapjacks himself, just that morning. He used maple syrup, mine were the traditional golden syrup, but his were squidgy, too. We decided they were both nice and tasty.

It was a sunny, warm afternoon. The swimming pool hole is looking promising, if muddy. Louis showed it to me. I asked if he was going to help maintain the pool. He looked shocked. "No!" he said. "Oh," I said, "You mean, Mom and Dad pay for it, and they maintain it, and you just swim in it?" "Of course," he said. Oh.

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